Disabling Username Access

by Selva 2009-10-22 13:09:29

In cpanel servers a website can be accessed by giving the user name with ~ sysmbol . Consider your cpanel server has the domainname mainserver.com and you have hosted a website vhost1.com which has username as vhost1 in your server now the website vhost1.com can be accessed like http://mainserver.com/~vhost1 instead of http://vhost1.com . This will be useful if the vhost1.com is on probagation . This may also cause another issue ,now consider that another website vhost2.com with username vhost2 is hosted in your server mainserver.com , this vhost2.com can be accessed by using vhost1.com like http://vhost1.com/~vhost2 .This may cause worng links and consumes bandwidth for vhost1.com.To avoid this issue put the entry like UserDir disabled inside the virtualhost entry of vhost1.com in apahe configuration file .

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