little johnny joke

by Nirmala 2010-09-18 17:48:32

little johnny joke
little johnny went to school friday and at the end of the day johnny 's teacher told him to go home and learn the first four letters of the alphabet.

He went home and asked his sister.
She said "shut up"

Then he goes to his big brother and asks
He say's "hop on baby let's go"

Then he goes to his dad
He said "trashtrash trash"

Then he goes to his little brother
He said "batman na na batman"

Then on Monday little johnny goes to school and his teacher asks what is the first letter of the alphabet

Johnny says "shut up"

She say's, that's it, we are going to the office. He says "hop on baby let's go". Then he gets into the office and the principle, and he say's "what do you think this school is ?

Johnny say's "trash trash trash"

then the guy say's who do you think you are ? "batman na na na na batman"

Poor Little Johnny

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