Lord Hanuman Slokas

by Rekha 2010-11-17 17:02:27

Lord Hanuman Slokas

Hanuman , also know as Anjaneya, is one of the most important personalities in the great Indian epic , Ramayana. He is a Vanara who helped Lord Rama (an avatar of Vishnu) in rescuing his wife Sita from Ravana, the king of Lanka. Hanuman was born to Anjana, a female Vanara, and Vayu (the lord of wind). Hanuman is also considered as the incaranation of Shiva or reflection of Shiva. Hanuman also assumes Panchamukha to save Rama and Lakshmana from asuras.Every Face of Sri Panchamukha Hanuman has significance ?Sri Hanuman faces east. He grants purity of mind and success. The Narasimha faces south. He grants victory and fearlessness. The west facing Garuda removes black magic and poisons. The north facing Varaha, showers prosperity, wealth. The Hayagriva mukha faces the Sky. But since we cannot see it, it is usually tilted and shown above Hanuman's face. Hayagriva gives Knowledge and good children.

"Mano javam , maruda thulya vegam,
Jithendriyam buddhi matham varishtam, Vatha
atmajam vanara yudha mukhyam, Sree rama
dootham sirasa namami"

Meaning: I bow my head and salute the emissary of Rama, Who has won over his mind, Who has similar speed as wind, Who has mastery over his organs, Who is the greatest among knowledgeable, Who is the son of God of wind, And who is the chief in the army of monkeys.

"Anjaneya Madhi Paatalaananam ; Kanjanaadri
Kamaneeya Vigraham; Paarijatha Tharu Moola
Vaasinam; Bhaavayami Bhava mana Nandanam "

Meaning: I bow before the darling son of the god of wind, Who is the son of Anjana, Who is great among killers of ogres, Who is like a golden mountain, Who is handsome looking, And who lives near the roots of Parijatha tree.

Divya Mangala Dehaaya Peethambara
Dharayacha Thaptha Kanchana Varnaaya
Mangalam Shri Hanumathey

Meaning: O! Lord Hanuman with a divine form, who wears an yellow silk garment and who looks like molten gold, let thy be auspiciousness.

Anjana Nandanam Veeram Janaki Soka
Naasanam, Kapeesa Maksha Hantharam ,
Vandhe Lanka Bhayankaram

Meaning: Salutations to the terror of Lanka, Who is heroic the son of Anjana, Who brought to an end all sorrows of Sita, Who is the king of Monkeys, and Who killed Aksha, the son of Ravana

Raamaaya Ramabadraaya
Ramachandraaya Vaydasey
Raghunaadaaya Naadaaya Seethaaya
Pathaye Namo Namah

Meaning: My salutations to Bhagawan Sri Rama, the protector of all, one who knows all, the descendant of the Raghu dynasty, the husband of Sita and the Bhagawan of the entire universe.

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