In-Page Analytics.. What it is ??

by ponsankari 2011-03-29 10:16:03

In-Page Analytics is a report available from the Content section of your Google Analytics reports. It enables you to visually analyze your website pages in order to assess how users interact with those pages, and helps you understand the answers to questions such as:

-Is my page layout optimal for what I want users to accomplish on the page?
-Are my users seeing the content I want them to see?
-Are my users finding what they're looking for on the page?
-Are my calls to action motivating or visible enough?
-Which links are users clicking?

Beginning with your site's homepage, you see which links users clicked. You can navigate In-Page Analytics the way you navigate your site: click any link on your homepage, and once the new page is loaded, the corresponding data are shown for that page.

Additional benefits of this report include:

-Support for image maps, so you can create a separate tag for each linkable part within a single image
-Support for advanced segments
-Availability of page-level information
-Complete list of incoming and outgoing links

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