Raasi Palan 2012

by Geethalakshmi 2012-06-19 16:24:31

Raasi Palan 2012

Raasi palan 2012 in Tamil Astrology


As per Tamil calendar 2012, Varuda Raasi Palan 2012 for Mesha Raasi is as follows. The Calendar year of 2012 will be good for Mesha Raasi. In this year, Mesha Raasi people will select the correct directions to get ahead. The new things that Mesha Raasi people choose and perform this year will be great for them and will be successful. It is recommended not to be scared and hesitates to take steps and to be strong enough to decide and come forward to take projects and work out. On the other hand, before taking decisions, do have conversations with the family, Based on the Mesha Raasi palan of the year 2012, the planets Jupiter, Mars and Mercury will be support for the economical needs.

In the previous year, the Raasi palan for Rishaba kaalai raasi was not a great one with some hurdles on your ways, but this time, the 2012 Raasi palan says the year 2012 is going to be a nice one and giving the positive consequences for the hard work you do. As the planet Jupiter is facing in the positive direction, the family circumstances will be delightful for the Rishaba Raasi guys this year. For the planet positions, Rishaba Raasi people are going to get clear mind in taking decision this year. This year is going to be a positive signal for the loving couples to reveal their love to get married. The first six months of year 2012 will be a tough thing from economical situation and the remaining will be fair with enough cash. Rishaba Raasi Students can get job placements too.

The Midhuna Raasi palan this year, 2012 will be good from the point of view of Actions, Job and Family circumstances. The probability of getting nice relationships through un known introductions is quite high this year. Selecting and deciding career plans this year shall be with more attention, because the wrong decisions will be cause for financial troubles from the beginning of this year. This Raasi people can make plan before going ahead for financial decisions and scheduling. You will have some fights with your life partner this year.
Kataka rasi palan 2012 in Tamil Panchangam
Generally, the Kataka Raasi people are brave people and with over confident. It is tough to get respect from the Kataka Raasi people. The beginning of this year will be good for the Kataka Raasi people. For the business men of Kataka Raasi people also, this year will be good. Hard work will give success fruit for sure. This year will have more expenditure for the family and friends than the previous year. The profit graph get low at the end of this year. The life of couples will be better than the past year. For the Kataka raasi, new business starters, this year will be nice.

The Simma Raasi people will have the thought that what they decide will never go wrong and believe their decision will be the best always. This year 2012 will be with greatful and joy for the Simha Raasi people. The planet positions of Saturn and Uranus will be helpful and the year 2012 will be better than 2011. This year will be nice for family side and in the profession / career side. In this year, you will have some health problems, particularly skin problem, leg pain, ulcer, acidity and gastric. In the month of July, the job side pressure will be quite higher than the other months. The probability of getting higher appraisal and increment is high this year. The husband and wife relationship will be strong this year. Starting from this year, you may think of money savings for the future.

Generally, the Kanni Raasi people are intelligent and they are brave in attracting the heart of other people around. The financial level this year will be better this year 2012. Kanni Raasi Palan 2012 is going to be nice time to begin the new projects. As a team member, you will be a power if you work hard. As the Venus planet is with a rigid place, no need to worry about the health. On the other hand, this is a good year for buying assets like, plot and house. This year is nice for getting chance to go abroad. One of the high recommendations is to use the Laxmi slogan every Sunday for better life this month. As the year 2012 has Mars planet at the 12th box, the chance for getting fore accidents is high. There will be problems between your brotherhood and sisterhood relationships.

There is a high role for the planet Venus in the thulam Raasi. In the year 2012, Thula Raasi people who are in the professions related with finance, business, cash and banking will have nice year. The wealth level will be high. The higher education can get nice reflections in the agricultural lines. This year shall be negative for self employment people. Thula Raasi people will have some emotional disappointments too. Year 2012 will have positive sign for the mother and children relationships.

Viruchagal Raasi people will have nice looking and smart but with anger mind some times. The female Viruchagam people will be dominated. Generally Viruchagam people are nice decision maker but this year, the decision shall be not very fair. You will have nice time this year 2012 to achieve new goals. This year has nice opportunity for you to buy new assets like land and house. Your family members will be more supportive for you this year.

The key point for the Thanusu Raasi people is the planet Jupiter. The smile of Thanusu people is very powerful and capable of attracting many people around. The Thanusu people are with highly honesty people with god faith. The position of Raagu, Kedhu is nice and giving well profit for the business too. Chance for blood loss in 2012 is high.

Makara Raasi people are generally with cunning character and capable of handling difficult situations too. The Makara Raasi people are nice behaving characters with others but not so good for the life partner. The Raasi palan for Makara Raasi is going to be similar with the Raasi palan of 2011. Kataka Raasi people can choose the early months of 2012 for handling financial situations.

Generally the Kumba Raasi people are adaptable to be a teacher. The keen plus point for Kumba Raasi people is their memory power. Kumba Raasi people are specialists in making friends easily. This year will give nice opportunity for you to go abroad for education and career wise too. The year 2012 will be Kumba Raasi peoples nice one to be with their parents and life partner.

The very last line up of the Raasi Palangal of Tamil is the Meena raasi. Meena Raasi people are more attractive with the religious things and following orthodox principles. The planet Mars is going to assist you in finance wise. Meena Raasi palan 2012 says there is nothing to worry about the health of the Meena Raasi people. At the second half of the year, the Meena Raasi people will get settled from the family issues.

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