History of Flash
by Dinesh[ Edit ] 2012-08-27 09:59:13
History of Flash
1984 - The firm MacroMind is found in Chicago. Merging of MacroMind and Authorware to Macromedia
1995 - Macromedia takes over Altsys (inventor of FreeHand) FutureWave develops simple vector-based illustration program: SmartSketch FutureWave presents the plugin Future-Splash-Player for SmartSketch
1996 - The animation program Cel-Animator is created by FutureWave In July renamed into FutureSplash-Animator Macromedia takes FutureWave over FutureSplash-Animator and Future-Splash-Player from now on known as Flash and Shockwave Flash
1997 - Flash 1 and shortly afterwards Flash 2 were published.
1998 - Java Player produced for Shockwave Flash-movies in the Flash 2 Flash 3 is published.
1999 - The next new version Flash 4 is available
2000 - Latest version of Flash - Flash 5